This is a draft constitution for a residents association or community group. It will be discussed fully at the first public meeting. I have posted it here so that people can review it, and make comments and amendments.

Pleasley Hill People’s Network Constitution.

1.Name.  The name of the group shall be Pleasley Hill People’s Network.

2.Aims.  The aims of the group are to:

i.To represent and promote the interests of all residents within the association’s catchment area;
ii.To promote social and educational activities for the benefit of members of the community;
iii.To actively encourage all residents to become involved;
iv.To provide help and assistance to all residents who want to get more involved;
v.To encourage community spirit within the catchment area of the association;
vi.To campaign for or provide resources or facilities required by the community;
vii.To Make representations to any public or private body whose function may at any time have an affect on the welfare of the members of the community;
viii.To affiliate to any other organisation which has the same or similar aims to this association whose objectives will benefit the members of the community;
ix.To promote equal opportunities within the community;

3.Powers. In order to further the aims, the group shall have the power to:

i.Raise funds and receive contributions by subscription, donation and otherwise;
ii.Encourage membership;
iii.Employ paid or unpaid agents, staff or advisers on such terms and conditions of employment as the group shall determine;
iv.Co-operate with other charities, voluntary bodies and statutory authorities operating in furtherance of the objects or of similar charitable purposes and to exchange information and advice with them;
v.To establish or support any charitable trusts, associations or institutions formed for all or any of the objects;
vi.Do anything else within the law which promotes or helps to promote the objects.

4.Membership. Membership shall be open to any individual or group who agrees with the aims of the group and pays any subscription set by a General Meeting of the Group. Only members may participate in decision making processes.

5.Officers.  The Officers of the group shall include a Co-ordinator and Treasurer.  The Officers shall be decided by the meeting at which this constitution is adopted and will stand until the first Annual General Meeting (AGM). Thereafter Officers shall be decided by the AGM.  All Officers shall retire from office at the AGM but may be requested to take office again at the same AGM.
The Treasurer shall keep an account of all income and expenditure and shall present examined accounts at the AGM.
The Co-ordinator shall keep records of meetings and hold details of the membership.  The Co-ordinator will also give members notice of the Annual General Meeting and of any Special General Meetings.
The Co-ordinator will support the flow of communication within the Group and ensure that General Meetings are held.
If any Officer retires between AGMs a General Meeting shall appoint a replacement.

6.General Meetings.  General Meetings of the group shall be held at least four times a year. A formal record of the meetings shall be kept. Five members shall be quorum.  Decisions shall normally be made by consensus. If an agreement cannot be reached by consensus then that decision shall be postponed until a further meeting. If a decision cannot be reached by consensus at this meeting then that decision will be made by 80% majority, with each member present having one vote.
A General Meeting may resolve to terminate the membership of an individual or group.  This decision must be communicated to the member, who must be given the opportunity to put their case to a subsequent General Meeting. Termination of membership shall not have effect until the decision is ratified at this subsequent meeting.

7.Annual General Meeting.  The Annual General Meeting shall be held every year in August, or as soon as possible thereafter.  The Co-ordinator shall give all members 21 days notice of an AGM.  A report of the year’s activities and the examined accounts shall be presented.  Nominations for officers shall be made at the AGM.  Officers will normally be chosen by consensus. If an agreement cannot be reached by consensus a decision shall be made on a show of hands by a 80% majority vote, with each individual member present having one vote. Officers shall serve from the end of the AGM to the following AGM.  All members shall be entitled to attend the AGM.

8.Special General Meetings.  A Special General Meeting may be called at any time if five members give a request to call one to the Co-ordinator.  The Co-ordinator must give 21 days notice of a Special General Meeting to all members.

9.An accidental omission to give a member notice of a meeting does not invalidate that meeting.

10.Finance. There shall be a bank account in the name of the group.  Four members shall be authorised by the AGM, or in exceptional circumstances by a General Meeting, to sign cheques.  Each cheque must be signed by two of these signatories, who must not be related.
The income and property of the group shall be applied only in furtherance of the objects.
Members may claim reasonable out-of-pocket expenses.
An Independent Examiner, who is not a member of the group, shall be appointed to examine the accounts.

11.Amendments.  The constitution may be amended at an AGM or a Special General Meeting, provided that 21 day’s notice of the amendments has been communicated to all members.  Decisions on amendments shall normally be made by consensus.  If an agreement cannot be reached by consensus a decision shall be made by simple majority, with each individual member present having one vote. If an agreement cannot be reached by consensus then that decision shall be postponed until a further meeting. If a decision cannot be reached by consensus at this meeting then that decision will be made by 80% majority, with each member present having one vote.

12.Dissolution.  A decision to dissolve the Group may be made at a General Meeting provided that 21 day’s notice of this resolution has been communicated to all members.  In the event of dissolution, any assets remaining after the clearing of all debts and liabilities shall be given to a group having similar aims, or, if this cannot be done, to any charitable purposes.

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